Peace of My Heart

An encouraging voice to drown out the noise

~Crying Over A Cow~ February 9, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Valerie Rutledge @ 2:56 pm

There’s nothing like a moo-cow standing in front of your daughters’ school to bring tears to your eyes. The Chick-Fil-A cow, that is, wearing a sandwich board showing support for a student battling cancer…for the second time.

I fought back the waterworks until I was alone, then I let them slide down my face. I cried for this little boy & his family who are fighting this nasty disease. I cried over the display of love this community has shown to a family that most may not even know. I cried out of gratitude for my own son who was plagued with a mystery illness a few years back but was miraculously healed just as quickly as he’d been struck down.

The truth of the matter is, life is short, sometimes painfully so. We don’t have to know someone personally to feel empathy for what they’re facing. If it’s within your ability to love a little stronger & feel a little deeper, (and trust me, it is), then do it. Dine at the restaurant that is donating 100% of their profits to a sick kiddo. Run the race that benefits cancer research. Drop a bag of dog food at the local shelter. Put together a care package for a soldier defending our rights. The list could go on but the point remains the same. One day we might find ourselves in a similar situation, looking for a ray of hope in some dark place. So love one another in whatever way you can. If you can’t give funds, give time. If you can’t give time, hug a neck or say a prayer. Love knows no limits and has no guidelines. Just show up & do something.



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